My 1995 Ford 7.3 has an issue with the A/C not working

Anyone know how to fix an air conditioner? Change the Freon, accumulator, and compressor. not receiving any electricity to the clutch plug. however, supplying power to the compressor’s rear socket.


Either a defective switch is located elsewhere, or your compressor is beyond repair. That is my assumption. It only lasted a few days before it gave out on me, so I replaced the dryer, the brand-new Napa compressor, and both switches.

The side switches high/low are inexpensive. Alternately, you could replace with a new compressor.


If the Freon level is low, the clutch won’t engage. Others might have different approaches, but I always check the Freon level before diving into electrical issues.


On these trucks, the AC blows through the heater core, and coolant constantly circulates through it. Some later models came with an AC assist feature that, when you switch to max AC, pulls a vacuum to stop coolant flow to the heater core.

I had the same issue, cold AC initially, but on very hot days in stop-and-go traffic, it would blow hot air. I cleaned the AC condenser fins, vacuumed the system, added a can of leak sealant, and two cans of refrigerant. I also installed the max AC assist control valve, which I believe is from a Ford Explorer. I can find the part number if needed.

Now, the AC is much colder, the air from the vents is easily 15-20 degrees colder than before.


After I installed the valve, my 99.5 became much colder.

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Check the AC clutch cover and the gap there, it is a common issue with them wearing out, and you might need to remove a spacer. It usually takes about 5 minutes with vice grips and an 8mm socket.