With 2 high-pressure oil pumps, 3 transmissions, 2 sets of injectors, countless tires, and 1 theft recovery, there is no way I am ever getting rid of it.
Love the exhaust out the side. Is it garage kept?
God, been outside since the first day.
The only bad thing about such exhaust is that the soot will always make your rear pass rim black.
Install a reliable kill switch or another theft-prevention device, or you might end up losing it eventually. They are too easy to steal and highly sought after.
My ‘05 6.0 has a creative setup that makes it challenging to get power to the FICM unless you know where a specific switch is located, or if you’re skilled at tracing wiring harnesses in the dark.
Unexpectedly, I found the original neutral safety switch there
I remove the IDM relay when I park. It will be difficult to start the vehicle unless they have a spare relay with them.
I have bad injectors in my 6.0, so they will stay there for a long.
The 6.0’s are in high demand?
Yes, Ford Super Duties in general are easy to steal, particularly if you own one from before the days of the immobilizer chip key. Around here, they often get stolen and smuggled to Mexico in one way or another. Theft is quite common.
Yes, my 99 went out of style at a home depot.
Something told me to go low jack when I bought her back in 2007. That’s why I got it back on Saturday. You get the idea.
What, only thirteen years later, that low jack paid off. In fact, they discovered five more stolen vehicles on the site that had occupants.
I now have a tracker and a far better alarm. The janked keyholes they broke to get in haven’t been fixed by me.
My Cummins-swapped 2008 will only start if you turn the key and flip a specific unlabeled switch in a certain direction simultaneously, so I think I’m in the clear?