7.3 HPOP reservoir blew out on start up. anyone seen this before?

My 7.3 just blew the HPOP reservoir on start-up. Never had this issue before. Any ideas on what could have caused this?

Here’s a picture of what happened.

Whoa, I didn’t even know that could happen! I don’t have any advice but just commenting to bump your post for visibility. Hopefully someone has some answers for you.

Well, now you’ve got an excuse to get a billet replacement from Riffraff :+1:

Great, now I have a new thing to worry about happening to me.

If it helps, I build these engines, and I’ve only heard of this happening twice in all my years working on them.

Whew, that’s good to know. I’m sitting at 364k miles and catching up on repairs from the previous owner.

Could it be a broken checkball causing this?

Man, these trucks are getting old :cry:

I bought my 2003 F350 Lariat new, and it’s at 278k miles with almost no issues. I’ve been tempted to get a new truck, but the one I want is about $95k. I can’t bring myself to trade in this old girl since she’s been so good to me. Gotta love the 7.3 and this country!

I hear you! My ‘02 F350 4x4 was solid until 250k miles. Then I needed injector cups, blew a head gasket, turbo went out, and now this HPOP issue—all in the last 15k miles. My old Cummins is more reliable, but the Dodge it’s in is falling apart around it.

Oof, that’s rough. You’ll have to pull it apart to see what exactly failed. Never seen that happen either.

Looks like the crack is right above the HPOP drive gear. Keep us posted on what you find.

Could it be that the HPOP drive gear is loose and flexing the case?

I’ve never seen or even heard of this happening on a 7.3 before. Could be something else in there causing it, but I’d be surprised if it’s just oil pressure doing that.

I’ll keep you updated. From what I’ve heard, this has happened two other times and both were due to oil pressure.

There’s a bypass valve and a regulator valve behind that housing. Looks like a pipe plug from the top. I wouldn’t assume anything until you take it apart. Did you notice if the oil pressure gauge spiked?

Yeah, I’m just working off a theory right now. You’re right though, the only way to know for sure is to take it apart and diagnose everything properly.