2010 6.4 coolant leak

Yes, I am aware that the radiator is a problem with a 6.4. After a few weeks, the level drastically drops even though there is no sign of a breach. Do pressure tests work well for locating specific objects?


I have one that’s leaking into the oil pan and I am hoping it’s coming from under the front cover. I was in a pinch for a truck and bought this one sight unseen, advertised as a new motor. It arrived with the coolant light on.


Here is a 6.4 dude. If you have not already, proceed as though everything is leaking and take care of it all at once.


Check around the seams of the radiator, they often come uncrimped.


If you have a small leak, check for residue under the lines or beneath the engine. It can be tough to track down, but a residue trail helped me find a tiny leak on another car with a similar issue. I was losing coolant slowly, but it was not mixing with the oil or exhaust (that I could tell). It turned out to be the water pump. That is the best advice I can offer. Good luck. :sunglasses:


Ensure that it is not entering the crankcase through front cover pitting caused by water pump cavitation.


Head gasket is my guess :palm_up_hand:


You’ll need to check whether you can get the O-rings separately or if you should replace the coolant hose as a complete assembly.

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O rings were changed, and it is holding. I’ll give it a couple more days and provide an update.