I’ve seen a couple blow out the seals and one actually crack. Both times it was silicone causing issues, and the one that cracked had a big piece of old brittle silicone getting caught in the HPOP gear and launching into the side of the housing.
It blew out on the reservoir side though, nothing to do with the HPOP.
Please, I want to unsee this.
Morgan said:
Please, I want to unsee this.
Don’t worry, this is HIGHLY unusual.
Bad aluminum casting? You also mentioned cold starting. Do you think the cold thick oil could have caused it?
Davin said:
Bad aluminum casting? You also mentioned cold starting. Do you think the cold thick oil could have caused it?
I think a bad casting would’ve shown up before 270,000 miles. I’m sure this was an overpressure issue. I replaced the oil filter housing a few weeks back and the bypass piston is part of that assembly, so a faulty part or debris in the piston seems most likely.
With where it let go, I’m thinking a casting issue too, regardless of mileage. Improperly cast parts can last until they don’t. You might have a tiny imperfection that grows from vibration and pressure cycling. I’d be looking for beach marks on the crack.
Doesn’t fit. No leak one day, then blew out at startup. The only recorded instances of this problem have all had a stuck bypass piston in common. I’ll provide a final update later today or in the AM tomorrow.