Should we go gas or diesel for towing a 5th wheel?

We just bought a new 5th wheel RV because the deal was too good to pass up. The GVWR is 13,500 lbs fully loaded. It was delivered to our property as part of the purchase.

Next year, once our last car payment is done, we’ll buy a truck to tow it. Here’s the thing: we’ll only tow the RV once or twice a year. So, is a diesel really necessary for this setup?

My wife’s not a fan of the diesel engine noise, but the truck will mostly be used for trips to our property, hauling building materials, and occasional towing. Just looking for some outside advice.

No, you don’t need a diesel. For that weight, gas will be fine. Plus, gas trucks have better payload capacity since the engines are lighter. That can be a big help with the pin weight of a 5th wheel.

Also, I actually find diesel quieter than gas when towing. But since you’re only towing a couple of times a year, gas makes more sense for your situation.

I’m confused about the noise concern. Modern diesels are super quiet compared to older models. What were you test driving?

Lane said:
I’m confused about the noise concern. Modern diesels are super quiet compared to older models. What were you test driving?

Turns out the diesel we tried was still in transit mode, so it wasn’t running as it should have been. That’s probably why it seemed louder.

Lane said:
I’m confused about the noise concern. Modern diesels are super quiet compared to older models. What were you test driving?

That makes sense. My 2018 diesel runs at 1,600 RPM at 65 mph while towing. Even going up a hill at 2,000 RPM, it’s still pretty quiet.

Honestly, engine noise is just part of towing. A 14,000 lb trailer is going to make any engine work hard.

Wait, gas has better payload? And that camper won’t be an issue? A gas truck will barely get 200-300 miles per tank with that weight, while a diesel will give you closer to 500. Plus, I thought diesel trucks had better payloads.

Diesels do get better mileage, but gas engines are lighter, which gives gas trucks higher payload ratings. For example, an F-250 with a gas engine has 800-900 lbs more payload than the diesel version.

If you’re towing once or twice a year, gas will do just fine. Fully loaded at 13.5k, that’s only about 61% of the max towing capacity of a 7.3L gas engine with 3.73 gears. Just keep your pin weight closer to 15% (around 2,000 lbs), and you’ll be good.

Diesels actually have lower payload capacity, so gas is probably better for your needs.

I always recommend gas unless you’re towing a lot and for long distances. Gas engines can be louder when towing since they rev higher to handle hills, but they don’t come with the extra maintenance costs of diesels. DEF, fuel filters, more oil, CCV filters—it adds up. For your situation, gas seems like the better fit.

Gas engines can be louder, but they sound awesome when they’re working hard up a hill. Nothing like 475 ft-lbs of V8 power roaring.

Nori said:
Gas engines can be louder, but they sound awesome when they’re working hard up a hill. Nothing like 475 ft-lbs of V8 power roaring.

I’m guessing his wife might not agree on the ‘awesome’ part.

Haha, fair. My wife was cool with my loud Camaro but told me no performance exhaust on the truck. She prefers smooth, non-cammed V8s.

For towing only a couple of times a year, gas is the way to go. If you were towing every month or more, then a diesel would make more sense.

You don’t need a diesel. I love my 7.3 gas truck. It gets the job done.

Our family has both a Duramax and a deleted 6.4. The Duramax gets about 15 mpg towing, and the 6.4 gets around 20 mpg. You’ll never see those numbers with a gas truck. It’s worth calculating the fuel savings.

Didn’t think us 6.4 owners were allowed to brag.

Marlo said:
Didn’t think us 6.4 owners were allowed to brag.

Haha, fair point. Mine was a salvage buy for $16k, and I replaced the engine after a year. Deleted it and now it’s been running great for over 100k miles. Averages 17-22 mpg.

Nice! I bought mine in 2011 with 20k miles, deleted it back then, and now it’s at 350k. Used to tow a lot but thinking about switching to gas now. The filter changes are killing me.

My 2006 Duramax LLY has just under 350k miles and gets about 15 mpg. A buddy had a similar gas truck and got 10 mpg at best. He sold his gas truck years ago and regrets it.