Just bought used F250 diesel truck, need advice on maintenance or bulletproofing
Why do people always ask these questions after they have bought a vehicle, I really just don’t get it. Don’t people do any research before dropping tens of thousands on such a large purchase.
Cedar said:
Why do people always ask these questions after they have bought a vehicle, I really just don’t get it. Don’t people do any research before dropping tens of thousands on such a large purchase.
I used to say that on almost every post like this, then I stopped bc people will always ask for help before helping themselves
Cedar said:
Why do people always ask these questions after they have bought a vehicle, I really just don’t get it. Don’t people do any research before dropping tens of thousands on such a large purchase.
I needed a diesel truck regardless for what I am doing, just trying to get ahead of the curve on preventative maintenance
You’re on reddit. To us that means you know how to use Google. There are pages upon pages of results for this and other HD trucks.
Sounds like mods need to do some cleaning up here.
r/askreddit has a caveat to posting. You can’t ask anything in that sub before checking google yourself…
Maybe research what it would cost to bulletproof it before buying it.
Cedar said:
Why do people always ask these questions after they have bought a vehicle, I really just don’t get it. Don’t people do any research before dropping tens of thousands on such a large purchase.
Exactly. The worst are the “I just bought this for $XXXXX, how did I do?” Ffs. Ask the question BEFORE you drop the cash.
Take that light bar off. +642 cool points.
You have a 6.7, those problems are behind you. It’s only the 6.0 that needs bulletproofing. The 6.4 (2008-2010) cannot be saved at all, it’s a totally irredeemable piece of shit, where the 6.0 can be saved with some aftermarket stuff.
Your truck is fine as is. A CP4 disaster prevention kit wouldn’t hurt, and those earlier 6.7’s have some minor turbo issues but overall rock-solid trucks.
The most accurate take on the 6.4L vs 6.0L debate. Also, the advice on the 6.7L is as well.
Zen said:
Sexy truck dude!
Thank you!
Agreed. The 6.0 is the cheat code if you’re trying to buy a pre-emissions truck because they’re still relatively affordable compared to the other pre-emissions diesels of that era, even when factoring in the “bulletproofing” financials.
Yeah and honestly I’ve known a few guys get 250k+ miles out of the stock 6.0, so some of them will go a long ways even stock.
They’re getting bad though. I remember when you could get a nice stock one for 10k when everything else was 20-25k. It was awesome then. Now, meh if I gotta pay the same for a 6.0 or close, I’m just gonna get an engine I don’t gotta touch
Well there goes my pre-emissions sleeper comment. Ngl, I’ve seen some for $25K, but I thought it was someone smoking premium reefer. If that’s the trend, might as well go a different route, agreed.
Just get a Cummins. I have about 8-9k into my mid-600hp 24v 6-speed. Overall, I’m under 30 for sure but I did the mechanical work mostly myself.
6.0’s are fun but if they’re expensive, I’d pass on them. They used to be a well-kept secret but I think the secret is out.
My truck is a leveled 4x4 regular cab on stock 4th-gen wheels lol. It’s a sleeper. I’m gonna pull the level kit out and reverse level it before winter is over.
I’m on an 06 6.0 Powerstroke with Kill Devil Diesel heads sitting at 226XXX miles. Have red-top power steering, new front end, cab bushings, and “bulletproofed” (EGR fixed* & tuned along with ARP head studs - next investment is the remote oil cooler, bypass filters, blue spring). Blessed performance tune via SCT tuner. I’m deeply invested, otherwise I’d hop on a 12v Cummins (I pounded sand SO HARD when a clean 110K-mile Quad Cab 97.5 - rear opening doors!!! - was for sale for $15K) 12V Cummins or 3rd Gen 5.9L. Really love the 06-07.5 Cummins.
I love how people buy a diesel truck and then start asking questions. When I bought a truck, I researched the shit out of them for months before I even started shopping around. I looked at forums and Wikipedia and all sorts of places to see what years to avoid. I made sure I was getting the right year for the right price, and to avoid common transmission and engine issues.
Then some people are like “whoops haha bought something that costs tens of thousands of dollars and even more in maintenance, now what do I do”.
Now to OP: you shouldn’t have to “bulletproof” a 6.7. I would do nothing to it until you have some sort of issue, and even then you should be careful about how you go about fixing it. Depending on where you live, you may still have to pass emissions inspections, but even if you don’t, any clown with a wrench and a laptop can tune and delete your truck. That doesn’t mean it will be any more reliable though, and may even tank the few MPGs you already get.
Be prepared for expensive fixes, especially as you put more miles on it. A transmission rebuild is an automatic 4500 bucks on these, even more if you live somewhere expensive. Even “small” stuff like the brakes costs more simply because everything is heavy duty.
Change your crankcase filter
Gonzales said:
Change your crankcase filter
Could you elaborate?