Air intrusion issue with my 7.3 IDI… advice needed

My 7.3 IDI has developed a starting problem. It fires up for a second, dies, and then takes about a minute of cranking to start again. I don’t see any leaks around the injector return lines, but I’ve noticed diesel pooling on top of the filter housing. It seems to be coming from the black connector there. Could this be the source of the air intrusion? What is that connector for, and how should I fix it?

That’s your fuel heater, and it’s a known spot for leaks. A common fix is to seal it off with epoxy, and it usually solves the problem permanently.

Zaren said:
That’s your fuel heater, and it’s a known spot for leaks. A common fix is to seal it off with epoxy, and it usually solves the problem permanently.

You can also tap it for a 1/2-inch NPT plug. That’s a more solid fix.

I’d definitely recommend tapping it if you have the tools. It’s a much better long-term solution.

That’s what I did. Used a bit of fuel-rated sealant on the threads, and it’s been holding up for years.

I had a similar issue with my 7.3 IDI, and it turned out to be the lift pump. Might be worth checking that as well.

It could just be the O-rings that seal it. They’re easy to replace.

I had the same problem, and air was getting in through that connector. It’s either for water-in-fuel detection or the fuel heater—I can’t remember exactly.

I removed the connector and sealed it with JB Weld about ten years ago. No leaks or issues since. A plug is technically a better fix, but the epoxy works just as well. Over time, the JB Weld gets dirty and blends in with the rest of the housing. As for losing the fuel heater, most people in cold climates say it’s ineffective and not worth keeping.