2002 Ford 7.3 keeps dying at stops… any ideas?

I’ve had my 2002 Ford 7.3 diesel for 15 years with zero problems. The other day, I got off the freeway, stopped, and it just died out of nowhere. It started right back up and ran fine, but then it died again when I stopped. It kept doing this multiple times before finally refusing to restart at all.

Had it towed to a shop, and now they’re telling me it’s running perfectly even though they didn’t do anything. They aren’t diesel experts, so I’m trying to find someone who really knows these trucks. I need it running in two weeks for my yearly camping trip. Any help would be much appreciated. I love this truck and want to keep it going!

Cam position sensor. Super common issue.

Easy fix, and you should always keep a spare. You’ll need a 10mm socket and a flathead screwdriver to pry it out.

Zeek said:
Cam position sensor. Super common issue.

Easy fix, and you should always keep a spare. You’ll need a 10mm socket and a flathead screwdriver to pry it out.

That’s what the shop said today. Appreciate it!

Zeek said:
Cam position sensor. Super common issue.

Easy fix, and you should always keep a spare. You’ll need a 10mm socket and a flathead screwdriver to pry it out.

Turns out it was the cam sensor! Thanks, everyone, for the help.

Zeek said:
Cam position sensor. Super common issue.

Easy fix, and you should always keep a spare. You’ll need a 10mm socket and a flathead screwdriver to pry it out.

Exactly this!

Had the same issue with mine. It would die at stop signs or red lights. Ended up being a bad ICP sensor.

Zeek said:
Had the same issue with mine. It would die at stop signs or red lights. Ended up being a bad ICP sensor.

Yep, my first thought too. Just make sure to get an OEM one, or you’ll be dealing with the same problem again soon.

Told the shop to get OEM parts. Thanks for the advice.

Zeek said:
Had the same issue with mine. It would die at stop signs or red lights. Ended up being a bad ICP sensor.

Appreciate it, thanks!

My uncle’s ‘99 did the same thing. Turned out to be a bad ground strap on the engine. One of them was completely disconnected. Check and clean all your grounds—bad connections can cause all kinds of weird issues.

I had some battery trouble this winter, so I’ll definitely check and clean the grounds. Thanks!

Could be a few things—thin oil from lack of maintenance or fuel in the oil can mess up the HEUI system.

Another possibility is the ICP solenoid, which controls injection pressure.

Find someone who actually understands how the HEUI system works. Not every shop does. First step—pull the codes!

The first shop said no codes, but honestly, they didn’t seem too eager to work on it. Not sure they actually checked.

Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

Only use Motorcraft parts for these old Fords. Aftermarket ones will just cause more headaches.

Zeek said:

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

Only use Motorcraft parts for these old Fords. Aftermarket ones will just cause more headaches.

Yep, 100% this. Motorcraft only.

Zeek said:

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

Only use Motorcraft parts for these old Fords. Aftermarket ones will just cause more headaches.

Got it, thanks!

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

You mean cam position sensor, right? Fixed that for you.

Nuri said:

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

You mean cam position sensor, right? Fixed that for you.

Haha, yeah, long day. My bad.

Penn said:
Crank position sensor? Just a thought.

Another vote for cam sensor. I used to keep a spare and an 8mm socket in the glove box just in case. Only use Motorcraft replacements.